McKenzie Free

One woman's quest for greater understanding through freedom of self expression.

Archive for the tag “Grateful”


There was a snippet in the New York Times on Thursday, November 19, 2020 entitled “Tell Us What You’re Thankful for, in Six Words”. This year, when the world seems sometimes to be swirling the crazy around us at a break-neck speed, and at others to be at a completely at a standstill, it seems to me more important than ever to take a breath and remember what we’re thankful for.

I remain, of course, grateful for all of you. For everyone who reads, listens, and supports me. What I wrote automatically was “Freed from sexual trauma at last”. The words came swiftly and automatically. I realized as I wrote them that although this year has been the toughest on record, it’s also the year I made the most important advancement of my life. This may be true for you, as well.

Regardless, whether you are grateful for the simplest pleasures or the greatest achievements, let’s share them, in six words, and keep this gratefulness going!

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